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what are diaper accessories?
what do I need?
every baby is unique and has different needs, so what accessories do I need?
So you want to use cloth diapers and now you're a bit lost about what do you need more than diapers, no worries we're here to help!
As diaper experts we recommend the following Piriuki essential lists that will make diaper time easier:
- 2 Piriuki diaper pail liners (to store you're dirty diapers until washing time)
- 2 Piriuki Impermeable wet Bags (to store your dirty diapers when you're outside)
- 1 Piriuki Liner (to hold solids and make it even more asy to deal with the poo)
-60 piriuki wipes (6 packs of cloth wipes like recommend by the world health org)

Piriuki Diaper Pail Liners

Piriuki Impermeable Wet Bags

Piriuki Biodegradable Liners
Piriuki Cloth Wipes

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